"zeichnerische" Kreativität Part Two
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"If I could I walked through my life with a bucket full of popcorn in my arm"
"Lost Souls"
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"Never take granted"
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"We think that we are special individuals, but in reality we all experience and feel the same things. We see ourselves in books we read. We understand that song we hear on the radio. We cried and laugh at that movie for what we empathized with the caracters. We're not unique at all."
Text nur das Hervorgehobene:
"special individuals. Feel. Understand. Hear. Cry. Laugh. Empathized. We are unique.
"We think that we are special individuals, but in reality we all experience and feel the same things. We see ourselves in books we read. We understand that song we hear on the radio. We cried and laugh at that movie for what we empathized with the caracters. We're not unique at all."
Text nur das Hervorgehobene:
"special individuals. Feel. Understand. Hear. Cry. Laugh. Empathized. We are unique.
"Lost in my Mind"
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Wow ich finde du kannst sehr gut zeichnen,
AntwortenLöschenUnd das gemalte Bild, ist von den Farben,Verläufen,Schatten her auch gut gelungen finde ich :)